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الجمعة، 17 فبراير 2012

تردد قناة توب نيوز ناصر قنديل .

جديد قناة ناصر قنديل و تبث على قمر النايل سات .. يمكن توليفها ضمن باقة الناسل سات و تظهر باسم : Top News Tv على التردد :

الخميس، 26 يناير 2012

بائعة الكبريت

في يوم من أيام الشتاء القاسية وقفت الصغيرة تبيع أعواد الكبريت

الفتاة: أبيع الكبريت الجيد لدي كبريت جيد ثمنها رخيص جدا أبيع الكبريت الم تسألوني كم ثمنه انه رخيص وجيد لدي كبريت اشتروا مني أرجوكم سيدي ألا تريد كبريتا.

• لم تتوقف الصغيرة بل تابعت تنادي على أعواد الكبريت

الفتاة: أعواد الكبريت جيده أنها رخيصة الثمن أنا بائعة الكبريت الصغيرة اشتروا مني أرجوكم اشتروا هيا يا ساده لا احد يريد شراء الكبريت الكبريت رخيص هيا اشتروا أتريدون الكبريت.

الاثنين، 23 يناير 2012

Yakovlev Yak-130

The Yak-130 combat trainer was selected as the winner of the trainer competition of the Voyenno Vozdushnyye Sily, Russian Federation Air Force, in April 2002. The aircraft is also actively marketed for export by Yakovlev, the Irkut company, and by Rosoboronexport.
The Russian Air Force has a future requirement for 300 Yak-130 aircraft that can be deployed as a light strike aircraft or as a trainer for a range of fourth or fifth-generation fighters. An order was placed for the first 12 aircraft to replace aging Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatros in 2002. The aircraft entered service in the Russian Federation Air Force at the military pilot training academy in Krasnodar in July 2009 and was showcased in the MAKS 2009 air show.
The production line for the aircraft at the Aviation Plant Sokol in Nizhny Novgorod, known as NAZ Sokol, is fully operational and the roll out of the first production series aircraft took place in May 2003. A series of flight tests of the serial production aircraft was started in April 2004.
The Russian Air Force ordered official testing in May 2005. The full trials of the advanced combat trainer, including spin and combat tactics trials, were completed in December 2009 prior to delivery of the first two production aircraft to the Russian Air Force.
"The Yak-130 production aircraft is slightly different from the Yak-130D demonstrator."
The first Yak-130 ordered by the Russian Air Force completed its flight acceptance test at Sokol in August 2009. The Russian Airforce received the first four of 12 Yak-130s between February 2010 and April 2010. Another five aircraft were delivered in April 2011.
In March 2006, it was announced that Algeria had placed an order for 16 Yak-130 trainers. The first flight of the Yak-130 built for Algerian Air Force was completed in September 2009. Deliveries are due to begin in 2011. In September 2011, the Algerian pilots were permitted to take solo flights on the aircraft after completion of three months theoretical and practical trainings. In January 2010, the Libyan Air Force ordered six Yak-130 aircraft. The Vietnamese Air Force has ordered eight Yak-130 aircraft.
In December 2010, the Kazakh Defence Minister signed an agreement with his Russian counterpart to use the Yak-130. Syria and Indonesia have also shown interest in Yak-130 combat trainers

الأحد، 22 يناير 2012

University Selection

University Selection

One of the archetypal dilemmas faced by acceptance afterwards academy is the alternative of the appropriate university. With a huge cardinal of options with capricious specializations, campus accessories and of advance the acceptance and accreditations, the selections become absolutely puzzling.

While selecting bethink to consider:

Get Paid to Drive Your Car

What's the Deal?
It's quite simple. Big corporations are always looking for new ways to promote themselves. And the latest, most innovative way, is you. All you have to do is agree to place the logo or advertisement of a company on your car, and drive with it wherever you go. This new method of company promotion offers an immense benefit to the advertiser, and you profit from it. In some cases, the company will actually give you a new car with a logo already on it. And all you have to do is drive.

الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012

جوجل وفيس بوك تهددان بإغلاق موقعيهما

هددت شركتا «جوجل» و«فيس بوك» الحكومة الأمريكية بأنهما قد يضطران لإغلاق موقعيهما وإبقاء رسالة مناهضة لقانون مكافحة أعمال القرصنة المعروف باسم «SOPA».

best secured loans

That many people always seek to obtain a secured loan to repay debt or to build a project, as dreams of many people.
But you can get this loan from anywhere, or are there some companies that deliver the best loans?
Certainly there are some companies which is often what gives you a loan and repayment will be at intervals, but there remains a lot of factors that must be determined by the person.
Through this blog will address the comparison between the best loans that can be obtained through these companies.
Best loans
The best way to get a secured loan.

Finding High Interest Loans for People with Bad Credit

Interest rate on loans is built on many diverse factors, but you must be well aware that the interest rate on the loan which will be coming from the perspective of lenders for you and mode you are in Vhadhir well.
Through this you can consider entering Why banks give loans at high interest to someone?
Answer is very simple that these loans will come at a more useful.
There are a lot of the few types of loans with high interest rates and due to bad credit.

Most Expensive Cars In The World: Top 10 List 2011-2012

What is the most expensive car in the world? The 1931 Bugatti Royale Kellner Coupe was sold for $8,700,000 in 1987. However, that car and many alike will not be included in this list because it is not available on the market today. It is hard to imagine someone would actually spend 8 million dollars on a car instead of using it for something more productive. However, if you had the money and opportunity, you would probably spend a small fraction of it on a collection of supercars for your private garage.
Here are the 10 most expensive production cars on the market; we will not include concept cars.
World's Most Expensive Cars:

الأربعاء، 18 يناير 2012

12 New Cars That Are Worth Waiting For


SEPTEMBER: 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8

While we've heard reports that the SRT (or SRT8, depending on whom you trust) will get as much as 500 hp from its new 6.4-liter Hemi V8, we're at least certain that the SRT is actually coming, and likely to arrive late this summer. If it's anything like the already deeply impressive Grand, the SRT8 is going to be both refined and scary fast, with a predicted eight-speed transmission and at a price (roughly $45,000) that deeply undercuts the likes of the Porsche 

الثلاثاء، 17 يناير 2012

شوربة الخضار بالدجاج :


صدر دجاج منظف بدون جلد
حبة كوسا
حبة جزر
1/2 بصلة
1/2 كوب فاصوليا خضراء
حبة بطاطس

طريقة التحضير:

ريجيم الاسبوع الاول

اليوم الأول  

الفطور : كوب شاي أخضر بدون سكر + ثمرة جريب فروت + جبن خالي الدسم

قبل الظهر: خضار مسلوق

الغذاء: سلاطة مع زيت زيتون و مشروم و فلفل أخضر + شريحة لحم بعد الغذاء بساعتين: 2 شريحة أناناس طبيعي + ك شاي أخضر

قبل العشاء بساعة ر: لبن زبادي خالي الدسم

العشاء: حبة كيوي